Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Holiday Break

No update since I emailed them my new changes and comments.  Also no comments from my email to them giving them my trip dates to Perth.  So just going to go ahead and plan my roadtrip without booking any accomodation first and when the builders are back from their holidays, will work my roadtrip into the schedule required of me.

Somehow not used to the idea of some people taking a month away for holidays.  Are we too work oriented or simply doesn't know how to take things easy?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Floorplan Update

Finally after sending the builder some of my proposed plan, I got back an updated plan which is more to my liking BUT doesn't know how much it is going to cost me since they never sent me the quotation sheet with it.  Anyway I had to ask for it and I was fortunate that I asked early or they will be away for a month for the Christmas break.

Anyhow I am not posting it cos I have yet to scan it and also it is only near perfect...BUT not perfect so there are some more changes I am making.  They forgot something I wanted to change and I saw something that needs changing after looking at the redrawn plan.