Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Given my thyroid issue, I should try to take thing easy but because of this house build, I find I had became more meticulous than usual.  I usually things go easily but everytime I get new documents from the builder, I will always spot errors.  Although I am glad I am so careful but on the other hand I wish the builder will stop making the same mistakes is tedious to vet documents as well ok?

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Now that the bank loan stuff is almost complete, the bank is working with my solicitor to transfer the ownership of the land to them...boohoo...debt is mine but asset is not...sigh.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Signing my life away

Didn'r realized had not posted for so long.  Still in the midst of sorting out the building contract and the financing.  Finally sign on the dotted line today for my bank loan and thus for the next 20 years, I will be scrimping and saving just so I can pay off my debt!