Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Another shot. Really?

I just posted an entry on 10th Jan and as far as I know, there weren't any notifications that another aerial shot had taken place so lo and behold, so glad when I login to nearmap, was able to see another recent shot of my place.  It was dated 8th Jan, 2 days before my last posting.  Not much of a change from previous except the brickworks look higher and my neighbour is having their roof put up.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

OMG moments

I went for a 2 weeks holiday not long after my last post and when I came back, I got this big fat invoice from
the builder saying the brickworks are done and payment is due...OMG...can't imagine that they took so fast.  I think they only took 2 weeks to complete the brickworks. 

Anyway I did not pay them on the due date as they were away for their Christmas/New Year break and my bank needs to send a valuer there to do the site inspection.  Spoke to my bank last week and thought the site inspection report will only come back this Friday but I got a call from the bank today saying the report is in so we can work on the transfer of funds to the builder...OMG...the AUD is now so high!!!!

I also sent the builder an email stating I want to take a look at my brickworks, they usually send me 1 photo a week after the invoice is sent but with the holidays, I guess they forgot.  But they sent over that yesterday and OMG, they look great, I really love the bricks I picked hehe.

And OMG, nearmap also uploaded their latest aerial picture of Perth which was taken on 17th Dec so I could actually see the slab and the brickworks done up (from the shadows) and can see the neighbourhood bustling with alot of build.

So here's the 2 pictures to share.