Thursday, December 8, 2011

Progressing well...for now

Remember my last update just slightly over 2 weeks? And I was still saying I will probably wait till Feb to get an update?

That must be the pessimist in me cos once the builder starts work, looks like things are progressing ok..for now, till Christmas break!

On 11th November, my site work started and then they progress to putting the slab down and here is the final reveal.  Honesty it looks small, much smaller than the house it should be but thou shall not worry about such things, leave it to the professionals!
So as you can see from the date, the slab was completed on or before 20th Nov and on 5th December, the brick were supposed to be delivered to the site for the bricklayers (but based on an email I got on 7th Dec from the builder, they were still waiting for the bricks to arrive).  I think I can see the shell of the house when I get the next photo. 

I am enjoying the progress but faster means the faster I need to pay them too...freaking me out especially with the Aussie dollars going up again.

Anyhow, the plumbers are also now on site and laying the sewer line and connecting them to the Water Corp sewerage system.  And my stormwater tanks will also be installed and ready for connection to the downpipes.

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