Tuesday, July 17, 2012


The fencing contractor finally contacted me that my fencing is done, let's look at the timeline, I contacted them on 19th May to work on it and today is already 17th July.  I guess that's the challenge when you are not there physically to rush and follow up with them.

That said, I am still happy it is done.  First obstacle is over, I now need to get approval from my manager to work out of Australia for 4 weeks so that I can make sure the following are done :

- Final inspection of the house
- Handover of keys
- Get bobcat to dig the ground for landscaping.
- Get landscaper in to work on the front yard (will probably leave the backyard till later stage)
- Get side gate installer in to install the gate
- Contact aircon installer to come install the house right after getting the keys
- Painter to start painting the house after the aircon is installed
- Buy clothesline, letterbox, lightbulbs for the house
- Make 3-4 sets of keys for real estate agent and myself
- Go to real estate agent to sign agreement
- Buy landlord's insurance
- Handover keys to real estate agent
- Come home

Really need to make the above happen and most importantly need to make sure I can work from Australia for 4 weeks. God, please make it work!

Last but not least, here's the latest aerial for those interested, looks like my neighbours are all catching up with their build as their fences are also up, which is great news for me as it means less people will be loitering around but nonetheless the earlier I get the side gate up, the more relieve I will feel.

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