Thursday, December 8, 2011

Progressing well...for now

Remember my last update just slightly over 2 weeks? And I was still saying I will probably wait till Feb to get an update?

That must be the pessimist in me cos once the builder starts work, looks like things are progressing ok..for now, till Christmas break!

On 11th November, my site work started and then they progress to putting the slab down and here is the final reveal.  Honesty it looks small, much smaller than the house it should be but thou shall not worry about such things, leave it to the professionals!
So as you can see from the date, the slab was completed on or before 20th Nov and on 5th December, the brick were supposed to be delivered to the site for the bricklayers (but based on an email I got on 7th Dec from the builder, they were still waiting for the bricks to arrive).  I think I can see the shell of the house when I get the next photo. 

I am enjoying the progress but faster means the faster I need to pay them too...freaking me out especially with the Aussie dollars going up again.

Anyhow, the plumbers are also now on site and laying the sewer line and connecting them to the Water Corp sewerage system.  And my stormwater tanks will also be installed and ready for connection to the downpipes.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Build Update

After the land was settled, there was another delay while the builder wait for the building license from the shire which took a while cos they said they were shorthanded!

It was finally approved after I believed 4 weeks and I was notified that my land works will start on 11th Nov.  Since I have no pictures, nothing that can be seen on Nearmap and friend who was in Perth recently did not manage to go to my site, I have nothing to show that works has indeed started.

But well, I have no energy to track it now and with the Aussies going into their 1 month break for Xmas soon, I supposed I have to wait till Feb for next update.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Year Long Process

Finally settled my land yesterday 30092011, that is close to a year from when I first put down my deposit for the plot of land 18102010.  It has been a long tedious process for me and I am glad the land portion is done.  With that also, I will have to start paying for my bank loan for the land starting next month so about time I concentrate on part 2 - my finances.

Another piece of good news is Near Map finally uploaded their latest photo after a 4 months break and I was able to capture some shots of my plot of land and the neighbouring areas, lots of the road works are done which is good.  Also noticed that some of my neighbours are already in the process of building.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Lots of frustrations but also lots of updates

Since the last post, much has been completed.  The bank loan was approved but due to a new witnessing rule I had to re-sign my mortgage document which I was able to get it done in Melbourne when I was there for a short break end of last month.

However the frustration part was with my settlement agent, they are so incompetent and unknowledgeable and kept giving me wrong information.  I had to re-do my land transfer documents 4 times..YES 4 times.  It drove me nuts and I ended up scolding them and all they said were "We were merely passing the message".  But the one doing the running about and spending money redoing the documents is ME!!  I even complained to my bank and to my builder, it was all so head wrecking, stressful and a few times I feel like walking out from this deal.  All these stress doesn't help my thyroid situation *arrghh*

Anyway my land transfer document is finally approved and I have a final settlement date which is 30th Sept but I still have to run to the bank to make sure the remaining settlement fee is transfer to the settlement agent to sort it out with the developer.  Honestly I don't feel the settlement agent deserves the fee that I need to pay them but don't think there is anyway of running away from that.

I hope my next update will definitely be on the build process. It has been a long and tedious process in putting down the deposit for the land to finally settling it, the whole process had taken a long 11 months.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Given my thyroid issue, I should try to take thing easy but because of this house build, I find I had became more meticulous than usual.  I usually things go easily but everytime I get new documents from the builder, I will always spot errors.  Although I am glad I am so careful but on the other hand I wish the builder will stop making the same mistakes is tedious to vet documents as well ok?

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Now that the bank loan stuff is almost complete, the bank is working with my solicitor to transfer the ownership of the land to them...boohoo...debt is mine but asset is not...sigh.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Signing my life away

Didn'r realized had not posted for so long.  Still in the midst of sorting out the building contract and the financing.  Finally sign on the dotted line today for my bank loan and thus for the next 20 years, I will be scrimping and saving just so I can pay off my debt!

Monday, June 20, 2011


My land title is FINALLY issued today, now on to the building contracts and then the bank loan and the house build...yeah!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Positive Sign?

Got an email from Stockland on potential land title issuance and the date is to be on my birthday itself.  That will be fantastic news...I could do with more good news and positive signs in my life!

Anyway looks like most to-do work items are done and the land will be pass over to the land surveyor for surveying this week, if all goes according to plan then title will be issue in a week.

That's when the fun begins I believe and for me will be a new chapter in my life as I will then be pushing through with my bank loan (perhaps I should even start working on that prior to the land title - provided the builder is able to submit to me the finalized figure for the house build) Note to self : CONTACT BUILDER! to chase them for the finalized build cost since I already finalized all my changes 2 months ago!

Then after my bank loan is secured and started on payment mode, I can quit my currrent job and go for a new role that will support my mortgage better.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

New Pics

So happy when I checked on nearmap and saw that new aerial pics were taken.  Though it was taken at least half a month back and just posted but I am quite happy to see that this time round the resolution is so much more sharp, could be a change in the weather but it must be taken on a good day!

The pic for my plots seem clearer now, can see a roundabout diagonal to the house next to mine and there is a road divider in front of mine.  The thing is I do know there is a divider in front of my house but I don't recall a roundabout but I think my house is angled in such a way that it won't be affected by the headlights of cars.

Anyway, here's the pics, 1 is taken on 14th March and the other is the most recent, from 20th April.

Section 70A

Received a package by post from Stockland, asking me to sign a document agreeing that since the plot of land is location next to a regional park, I agreed that the government can conduct some activities there, such as spraying of chemicals for agricultural protection, etc.

The agreement will be put in my land title showing I have agreed to the terms and conditions.  Seems like a no brainer as everyone will sign for sure.  No one will stop the goverment from protection of wildlife but then I guess Australia is just being safe and do not want to be sue for anything.

Anyway I thought I will just get it sign and mail out but I totally forgot about it until an hour back or so.  Will get it signed and witnessed and off it will go to Australia.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Kitchen Colors

As you read in the previous entry I have changed the cabinet colors from Raw Linen to Oyster Linea.  Here's 2 pictures to show the differences.  Which one do you like better?
Raw Linen
Oyster Linea

More Color Changes

After half a month, I have decided to make some changes to the exterior colors.  Exterior will be more greyish tone and the interior will be more earth tone.

Front Elevation
- Gutter and Fascia : Colorbond Surfmist
- Downpipes : Colorbond Shale Grey
- Render : Colorbond Shale Grey
- Garage Door : Colorbond Surfmist
- Front Feature Wall : Solver Russet Red
- Entry Door : Solver Russet Red
- Rear Garage Door : Colorbond Surfmist

- Wall Tile : Change from Matt Alabaster to Flutes Creama

- Wall skirting will be Lanka Cinnamon, same as the floor tile

- Cabinets : Change from Laminex Raw Linen to Laminex Oyster Linea.

Shale Grey

Lanka Cinnamon

Oyster Linea

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Exterior Color Selection

Although nothing had happened so far but thought it is time to share my color selections.  Basically I am pretty happy with my interior colors and matches but I am still thinking of my exterior colors.

This is a photo of the facade of a display home which is similar to the one I am having, just to give you a comparison.  Forgive me for the dark photo because it was so hot and the lighting is so screwed!
So these are my selection :

Harmony Roof - Flint (Greyish Black)
Render - Colorbond Dune (color seems grey but some said it is a bit pinkish under the light)
Feature Wall - Colorbond Dune with 50% more intensity meaning a darker Dune
Gutter and Fascia and Downpipes - All in Dune as I want it to be the same as the render color
Garage Door is in Georgian Design and painted Colorbond Paperbark (Thought it look creamy but appears to be quite dark cream and people and saying Paperbark and Dune don't go well together)
My entry doors are double Madison 114 model and will be painted in Colorbond Paperbark as well.
My 2 course bricks around the house are Loogana Limestone
Driveway paving and around the house - Natural brick paving with charcoal border
There's all for the exterior, will share more of the interiors later.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Land Title Delayed

Haven't posted for a while and that's because nothing is happening.  I just came back from a trip to Perth hoping to see my plot of land but was told other than tradesmen, there are no access roads for others.  Apparently the developers are in the process of laying down sewage and electrical cables underground and so the land titles cannot be issued and without land titles, I can't get any building license, I can't get bank loans, my builder can't inspect my site so everything is at a standstill.

Nonetheless I can show here the aerial view of my plot of land.  First one was taken on 8th Jan and the 2nd on 15th Feb.  You can basically see some digging done around my plot of land.  It is kind of hard to tell you which one is my plot but it is there in these pictures.
During my trip to Perth, I also managed to choose the colors for most of the fixtures in my house, in fact it took me 5 hours to complete that but that's quite a short time compared to some who does it over 1 day.  Anyway I have taken some pictures of my selections and will post them when I download them.  It is hard to see how the overall house will look like but I hope all the colors will come together and the entire color scheme is pleasing to everyone's eyes.