Sunday, May 13, 2012

So much more...

So much more has happened since last Wednesday when I posted. 
  1. Got replies from 4 aircon installer and got 2 quotes from among them.  And someone replied back to a post I asked on a forum and I got another referral and dropped them an email.
  2. And since I was also looking for a fence, I asked the same person who referred me the aircon installer whether he has any recommendation.  Turned out he is a carpenter and is able to do a quotation for me. Fabulous!
  3. Set up a meeting with another gate installer estimater to be at site next Friday so he can provide a better quote for my side gate.
  4. Met up with my banker to finish the paperwork for the final payment so that they can standby for payment after my PCI.
  5. Bought the house insurance required by the bank for final payment.
  6. Got the house keys for my friend's place in Perth so now accomodation is taken care of.
  7. Purchased my travel insurance
  8. Got a reply from the landscaper but no meeting setup yet for discussion
  9. Went to collect the GPS map and make a copy, need to pre-load the addresses I want though so that I don't have to spend time inputting the addresses when I am there.
  10. Set up my itinerary but it is still fluid while I confirmed all my schedules there
  11. Went to the money changer to get money changed for my trip
Still need to get my visa approved, I should know in the next 2 days and also need to know from my banker whether I need to top up any cash for my final payment so will need to run to banks in the next 2 days.

P.S. On a side note, I got myself a new phone which is a smartphone so I should be able to still use it to communicate locally and internationally easily after I purchased a pre-paid card.

There's something legal still outstanding at work, I hope that gets resolved before my trip so I will be able to have a truly personal trip and not worry about work. So help me God!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Much accomplished

Another sleepless night and another long day but much was accomplished.  Got a confirmation from my Liaison Officer on the inspection based on my preferred time and date.  Got an email from my banker also confirming a meeting tomorrow to discuss final payment.

Got the quote on the building insurance required by the bank for the final payment.

Spoke to the car rental company on their operating hours and did a booking.

Sent out at least 5 emails/enquiries to aircon installers on quotations.

Filled up the fencing and landscaping form and email it to the developer.

Apply for another day of annual leave as I will extend my stay another day.

Arrange meet up with my friend tomorrow to pick up her Perth's house keys..need to discuss how much is the accomodation cost though.

Contacted my friend who works for the GPS company about getting the latest map of Perth so I can loan the map while in Perth, will try to make time to go to their office on Friday to pick up.

Lots to be done still...slowly but surely getting there.

Another thankful day, all thanks to God.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

So thankful

I am extremely thankful to God today for making all things possible.  I managed to get my last minute leave application approves and managed to book my airticket a few minutes ago so that is taken care of.  Accomodation is more or less taken care of and I will need to get my car rental booked.

I was able to get a reply back from the 2nd contact for insurance and get a quote immediately so now I just need to decide if I wanted to accept the quote.  I also got back a quote from a side gate contractor but need to sort out if I have the time to meet them in person when I am there in Perth.

I also managed to scan my passport and emailed my friend who will help me get the visa and scan my house plan that I will need to send it to the aircon contractors whom I will have to contact no latest than tomorrow. I also need to work to submit to the developer the request for fencing and landscaping tomorrow.

And I also managed to send an email to the Liaison Officer to inform her I am arriving in Perth on which date and when I will be doing the inspection and sent an email to my banker who asked me to setup an appointment with her before I depart for Perth.

Gosh so much things accomplish but yet full of energy because with God's help all things are possible.  Lots more to be done like the real estate agent, handover, banking setup, etc but those are really minor compare to the inspection.

Monday, May 7, 2012

So the story goes....

A few weeks least more than a month ago, I told my Liaison Officer, tell me in advance when the house is near build so I can start planning my trip down to Perth to do my inspection but does she listens? NOPE...out of the blue last week, she sent me an email with a letter to say, the house is ready for inspection anytime, please book a time with us to go through the inspection and that regardless of whether I or someone I assign to do the final inspection I will be billed 2 weeks later with the FINAL payment.

Imagine my horrors because first I wasn't mentally prepared, 2nd I told them before I want advance notice and now I am stuck in a rock and a hard place because 1st I am organizing a training end of this month and 2nd my boss wanted someone completed by end of this month so tell me how am I going to get my vacation time approve?

After thinking about it, I thought what the heck, let's try to get a few days off to do it but that will means this trip is purely to inspect and run some errands, like going out to buy the letterbox and clothesline, visit the bank to open a bank account, etc. And then next month make any trip down again to complete stuff like, aircon installation, side gate installation, landscaping and get keys from builder and hand keys to real estate agent.

And that's not all, I just got in touch with my banker who told me they need 2 weeks advance notice on final payment so someone please tell me how am I going to do that when the builder gives me less than 2 weeks to pay up?? And that's not the end of it, in order to make final payment, I need to get the home and landlord's insurance sign up before the bank will pay everything and I wrote to a contact which doesn't respond, I now got a 2nd contact whom hopefully will get back to me and prior to my 1st trip, I am hoping that I get a quote on my side gate installer and aircon installer so I can visit them when I am there and set up a time for them to come by and install on my 2nd trip.

Isn't these all nerve racking?!?! So God grant me peace and the ability to succesfully manage all these and that all obstacles are remove from my tasks. Amen!


Sometimes even though we all speak English does not mean the other party understands you! I will elaborate in my next post!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Things to do

I created a file since September 2011 listing down everything I need to do and it is now MAY 2012, let's see how far I have progress!!
Basically I have done zilch...the frustrating part is I need to get quotation for my airconditioning and there are just so many opinions out there that I don't know where to start.  Home insurance documentations are so damn long that I just can't bear to read through the whole thing.

And some of the items I can only get when i am in Perth which I am things are at a standstill.  Today is a public holiday here and I am hoping to get sent out emails to get quotes on the airconditioning at least but the time is coming to 3 pm and I have yet to start..arrghh